Publication Fees

The publication Fees ensure full immediate access to the article on the publisher’s website (without registration on site and embargo period). The publication Fees cover the costs of the publication process (copy editing, formatting the text, composing the figures and tables, etc.), including the administrating of the peer-review process, the permanent archiving of the articles, site administrating (hosting the files of the article, maintenance, and support articles on site), the promotion of the journal and article (to share the content of the journal all over the world, serve the indexing services, etc.) and customer support.

The publication Fees should be paid once only if the manuscript is accepted for publication after being peer-reviewed (EJTAS does not use submission or review charges).

The EJTAS charges author fees in the amount of:

50 USD (up to 2 authors only).

60 USD (up to 5 authors only).

N.B. Our editorial assistant will send the author payment instructions after the acceptance of the paper.

Refunds or Cancellations Policy:

Article Processing Charges are required after a manuscript has been accepted for publication. The journal will not issue any refunds or cancellations after the acceptance and/or publication of the manuscript.